Friday, June 19, 2009

Developing a Custom Control for Silverlight 2.0

  • Custom controls is used to extend the functionality of existing controls and even create new controls with new functionalities.
  • Creating custom controls is a great way to make Silverlight application more rich and unique
  • Once a custom control is built we can reuse it anywhere in other applications too.
  • Create a Silverlight Class Library Project in Visual Studio 2008.
  • Because this will be a Control Library we've to add a reference to System.Windows.Controls assembly. This assembly will have as version number for Silverlight 2.0 Beta1
  • The next step we will add XmlnsDefinitionAttribute to our control Assembly
  • Select the generic.xaml in the Solution Explorer and set the properties to get this file embedded in a format we need
  • You've to delete the value of the Custom Tool property and set Build Action to "Resource".
  • Write the coding in the Xaml file and the design the media button.
  • To test this control we have to create a Silverlight Application Project. In Solution Explorer, right click the Solution's node and add a new Project to the Solution of type Silverlight Application.
  • For Silverlight Application Visual Studio asks us about the testing method we like to use for this Silverlight Application. For now, a test HTML page will be fine for us.
  • To use the control in our Test Application we've to add a reference to the Control Library Project.
  • Open the page.xaml and write the caoe for calling the media button and run the application.
  • Then a .dll file will be created. This file can be used to call the media button in other applications.

How to Store and Retrieve Application Settings Using Isolated Storage

•You store application settings using isolated storage by using members of the IsolatedStorageSettings class.
•This class implements a dictionary that is designed to store name/value pairs.
•Like all data stored in isolated storage using Silverlight 2, application settings are stored locally on the user's computer
To create an application settings dictionary and add an entry
•Create a new instance of the IsolatedStorageSettings class
•Call the Add method to add a key/value pair into the dictionary.
To retrieve a value from the application settings dictionary
•Reference the key and assign a new value
To delete an item in the application settings dictionary
•Call the Remove method and pass the key of the item to remove, as shown in the following example

 Basics of the Security Policy System

Flash policy file
• The existing crossdomain.xml policy file used by Adobe Flash.
•This policy file can only be used by the WebClient and HTTP classes in the System.Net namespace.
•A Flash policy file must allow access to all domains to be used by the Silverlight 2 runtime.

Silverlight policy file
•The Silverlight policy file that can be used by the WebClient and HTTP classes in the System.Net namespace and also by the sockets classes in the System.Net.Sockets namespace.
• This policy file has a different format than the Flash policy file.

Two primary means for networking applications

Potential Networking Threats
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
• A large number of remote hosts are used to attack a target site so that the target is unable to service valid requests.
DNS Rebinding attacks
•Use DNS to force a remote host to rebind a trusted host name (site of origin) to a victim’s IP address, thus allowing access to a host other than site of origin.
Reverse tunnel attack
•Use a remote client’s outgoing connection as a back tunnel to the client’s private network.

Sockets security

•Silverlight offers support for the sockets communication.
security considerations and restrictions when communicating with sockets
•Working with Sockets Describes the managed implementation of the sockets networking interface.
•Network Security Access Restrictions in Silverlight 2 Describes sockets and the security policy system in Silverlight.

HTTP security

•Silverlight supports same-domain and cross-domain calls to Web services.
• Cookies and authentication are sent with all HTTP requests.
•for security reasons, Silverlight has restrictions on the types of messages that can be sent and received with HTTP.

HTTP Communication and Security with Silverlight Describes several HTTP communication scenarios and how you can enable these scenarios.
Network Security Access Restrictions in Silverlight 2 Describes how to use the security policy system in Silverlight and describes the policy file formats that are supported.
URL Access Restrictions in Silverlight 2 Describes how the Silverlight runtime restricts access to certain classes of URLs.
Making a Service Available Across Domain Boundaries Describes the mechanisms that Silverlight supports to opt-in to cross-domain access.
Security Considerations for Service Access Describes security considerations when using Silverlight with Web services

Application security

•Application security refers to the integration of the Silverlight plug-in in the browser
•And whether you allow calls between the HTML DOM and the Silverlight plug-in.

Security in silverlight

•There are three main security areas covered in the Silverlight documentation.
•Application security
•HTTP security
•Sockets security

How toPerform Isolated Storage Tasks

•Obtaining an isolated store for an application.
•Creating a file system of directories and files.
•Writing to a file and then reading it.
•Deleting a file.
•Finding directories.
•Requesting an increased quota size.
•Removing the store.

Isolated Storage Overview

•With isolated storage, data is always isolated by the user in a virtual file system that can be just one file in the root directory or a tree of directories and files.

•The isolated storage data compartment is an abstraction, not a specific storage location.
It consists
•one or more isolated storage files,
•called stores, which contain the actual directory locations where data is stored.

•Stores usually reside on the client but an application can also use isolated storage on a server.
•Silverlight does not support roaming profiles that enable information to travel with a user.

Error Handling Using the Default OnError Event Handler

•The Silverlight.js file provides a default event handler for the OnError handler parameter
•When you leave the onError parameter in a CreateObject call unspecified or null, the default handler function defined in Silverlight.js is invoked
The OnError handler is used for
•XAML parsing errors
• errors that occur during load
•run-time errors
•errors in synchronous method calls that are not handled in a try/catch block
•asynchronous error events that do not have an attached event listener.

Error Handling

•The Silverlight 2 managed API introduces a managed layer of error handling and exception handling.
• In order to handle exceptions that originate from your application's user code, you can register a handler for UnhandledException
• Platform code exceptions, as well as exceptions that you choose not to handle with UnhandledException, are passed to the native/unmanaged error mechanism in the Silverlight plug-in.
•At this level, you can choose to process the errors using the OnError handler that is specified during plug-in instantiation
•Some errors and exceptions prevent further coding or scripting to Silverlight
•Others are considered less serious and allow you to continue coding or scripting

data binding diagram and its explanation

•The source object that contains the data that flows between the source and target. The source can be any CLR object.
•The target UI property that displays and possibly allows user changes to the data. The target can be any DependencyProperty of a FrameworkElement.
•The direction of the data flow. The direction is specified by setting the Mode property on the Binding object.
•The optional value converter that applies to the data as it is passed. The value converter is a class that implements IValueConverter.

Data Binding in silverlight

•Data binding provides a simple way for Silverlight-based applications to display and interact with data.
•The way data is displayed is separated from the management of the data
•. A connection, or binding, between the UI and a data object allows data to flow between the two.
•When a binding is established and the data changes, the UI elements that are bound to the data can reflect changes automatically.
• Similarly, changes made by the user in a UI element can be reflected in the data object.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cryptographic Services in Silverlight

•System.Security.Cryptography namespace contains classes that enable you to perform symmetric cryptography,
• create hashes and digital signatures, and provide random number generation

Cryptographic Signatures
•Cryptographic digital signatures use a Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) to provide data integrity.
•When you sign data with a digital signature, someone else can verify the signature,
• and can prove that the data originated from you
•and was not altered after you signed it

Commonly Used Collection Types

• Array Collection Type
• List Collection Types
•Dictionary Collection Types
• Queue Collection Types
•Stack Collection Types
• Bit Collection Type

Collections and Data Structures

•Closely related data can be handled more efficiently when grouped together into a collection.
• Instead of writing separate code to handle each individual object, you can use the same code to process all the elements of a collection
•To manage a collection, use the Array class and the System.Collection classes to
•remove &
• modify
either individual elements of the collection or a range of elements.
•An entire collection can even be copied to another collection
•Some Collections classes have sorting capabilities, and most are indexed.
•Memory management is handled automatically, and the capacity of a collection is expanded as required.
•Synchronization provides thread safety when accessing members of the collection.
•Some Collections classes can generate wrappers that make the collection read-only or fixed-size.
• Any Collections class can generate its own enumerator that makes it easy to iterate through the elements
are the namespaces used for the collections

Friday, June 12, 2009

Creating a Silverlight plug-in

The goal of creating a Silverlight plug-in is to host a Silverlight application. This plugin can be created in at least two different ways. One of these approaches is to use the Silverlight server control that?s part of the Silverlight 2 Software Development Kit (SDK).2 In general, if you?re an ASP.NET developer, this is the approach you?ll want to use. But we?re going to discuss the specifics of a Silverlight plug-in while covering another approach. Another approach for creating a Silverlight plug-in enables you to deliver Silverlight content through any server technology. You can use Silverlight along with a variety of technologies including PHP, JSP, ASP, and ASP.NET. To get Silverlight to work with these technologies, you use the two steps covered in this section. The first step is to reference the required Silverlight utility file. The second step involves writing the JavaScript that will create an instance of the Silverlight plug-in.

The structure of a .xap file

This compressed file will always contain a manifest file named AppManifest.xaml. In addition, there will always be a .dll file that serves as the entry point into the Silverlight application. This application may require other Silverlight libraries or other types of content. Both of these items may or may not be in a .xap file; either way, they represent the dependencies of the application.

Silverlight supported protocols&logfields

The following Web protocols/schemes are supported:
•mms (You can use an mms URL, but it will fall back to http.)
•rtsp (You can use an rtsp URL, but it will fall back to http.)
•rtspt (You can use an rtspt URL, but it will fall back to http.)

Supported Fields of Server Logs
A server administrator might want to get information about Silverlight client connections to their servers, particularly related to streaming media.
•This can be done by accessing logs on the server; however, the information in these logs is determined by what information the Silverlight client sends to the server

Silverlight supported protocols&logfields

The following Web protocols/schemes are supported:
•mms (You can use an mms URL, but it will fall back to http.)
•rtsp (You can use an rtsp URL, but it will fall back to http.)
•rtspt (You can use an rtspt URL, but it will fall back to http.)

Supported Fields of Server Logs

A server administrator might want to get information about Silverlight client connections to their servers, particularly related to streaming media.
•This can be done by accessing logs on the server; however, the information in these logs is determined by what information the Silverlight client sends to the server

Silverlight The Layout Model

The first thing to know about the SLS is that most of the time you can ignore it! It is possible to become quite proficient in Silverlight programming without even knowing explicitly that the system exists, much less having to override any of its methods. For most developers, most of the time, the layout system is implicit and mediated for you by layout controls such as the GridPanel and StackPanel, and more recently by the Silverlight Toolkit layout controls such as the DockPanel and the WrapPanel.

That said, there are times when you want to do something the existing controls just don?t provide, and familiarity with how Silverlight lays out controls can be both fascinating and essential.

Steps for Integrating DRM in Silverlight

steps needed to integrate DRM into Silverlight:
• Set up the necessary server infrastructure to serve up DRM protected content.
•Point to this protected content from your Silverlight application using MediaElement.
•Handle expected errors (for example, when the end user does not allow DRM content).
•If needed, subclass the LicenseAcquirer class to gain custom business logic.

Limitations When Using Silverlight DRM

•Silverlight does not support all the file types that PlayReady does. Silverlight DRM only supports Windows Media Audio (WMA), Windows Media Video (WMV), and PYA/PYV files for PlayReady.
•PlayReady license can specify rights and restrictions that define exactly how the content may be used and under what conditions; however, when using Silverlight DRM the only license type available is a non-persistent, play-once license
•No license caching

Silverlight DRM Architecture

Silverlight Application :A website's in-browser application for interacting with media. A Silverlight-based player application usually contains transport controls (play, stop, rewind, forward) as well as content navigation and discovery.
Silverlight Plug-in :The Silverlight runtime installed on a user's computer. The Plug-in runs within the browser powering a website's Silverlight Application.
DRM Client :A part of the Silverlight Plug-in that provides the secure content protection functionality

What is DRM

Digital Rights Management
•Silverlight DRM is, naturallly enough, a cross-platform version of the PlayReady client used only by the Silverlight browser plugin
• It is compatible with Windows Media DRM 10 content, and will support live and on-demand streaming as well as progressive downloads

Digital Rights Management

•The f diagram summarizes the processes needed for Silverlight to play back DRM content
•And the server/client interactions needed to facilitate those processes
Silverlight Client Accesses Content
ØThe end user attempts to play some DRM protected content in a Silverlight application that is stored on the distribution server
ØThe Silverlight client downloads the content and the header.

Client server communication over Internet

WCF "web services" are part of a much broader spectrum of remote communication enabled through WCF. You will get a much higher degree of flexibility and portability doing things in WCF than through traditional ASMX because WCF is designed, from the ground up, to summarize all of the different distributed programming infrastructures offered by MS. An endpoint in WCF can be communicated with just as easily over SOAP/XML as it can over TCP/binary and to change this medium is simply a configuration file mod. In theory this reduces the amount of new code needed when porting or changingbusiness needs, targets, etc.ASMX is older than WCF, and anything ASMX can do so can WCF (and more). Basically you can see WCF as trying to logically group together all the different ways of getting two apps to communicate in the world of MS; ASMX was just one of these many ways and so is now grouped under the WCF umbrella of capabilities.

Designing Grid Control Using Blend

•In the Toolbox, click Grid to add a new Grid panel to your project.
•If you do not see the Grid panel in the Toolbox, you can locate it by right-clicking the arrows in the bottom right corner of each other tool in the Toolbox to see a default list of the controls that are assigned to that spot in the Toolbox
•Under Objects and Timeline, make sure that your new Grid ([Grid]) is selected
•If it is selected, the background behind the element name should be highlighted.
•Click the Properties tab to view the Properties panel
•Under Layout in the Properties panel, you can adjust the Margin properties to fine tune the Grid layout
•In the Toolbox, click Selection .
•On the artboard, move the mouse pointer over the thick blue ruler area at the top of MainGrid.
•An orange column ruler will follow your mouse pointer and indicate where a new column divider would be placed should you click.
•Can Set the Width and Height properties to Auto
•Set the Margin property to the default (zero) by clicking the Property Marker

Silverliught2 Supported Media Formats

•WMV7,8, 9/SMPTE VC-1, WMA, MP3
WMV9 - now an open standard recognized by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) and shipping in all Blu-Ray and HD-DVD drives.

•Input: ISO/MPEG Layer-3 compliant data stream
•Channel configurations: mono, stereo
•Sampling frequencies: 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, and 48 kHz
•Bit rates: 8-320 kbps, variable bit rate
•Limitations: "free format mode" (see ISO/IEC 11172-3, sub clause is not supported
•Microsoft's tool Expression Encoder 1.0 can convert A/V files to the Silverlight format

Audio and Video Overview

to play in a audio and vedio a media element is needed.

•Adding media to a page is as simple as adding a MediaElement to your markup and providing a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to the media to play.
• The following example creates a MediaElement and sets its Source property to the URI of a video file.
•The MediaElement begins playing when the page loads


•To display a tooltip for a control, the ToolTipService class must be used
•The SetToolTip and GetToolTip static methods are used to set and get the tooltip of a control.

The following code snippet creates a ToolTipService.ToolTip for a control.

HorizontalOffset="10" VerticalOffset="20"/>

This sample code shows how to display an image within a tooltip in Silverlight:

Tab Control Control In Silverlight

•Forms TabControl displays multiple tabs, like dividers in a notebook.
•The tabs can contain pictures and other controls.
To add TabControl
•drag a TabControl from the Toolbox to your XAML file inside the Grid tag

•following code sets the height, font, font size, and background color of the tab control.

Adding Tab Items

The tag represents a tab item.
•The Header property of TabItem represents the header text of the header

Stack control

•The StackPanel control provides the ultimate in control layout flexibility on a user interface.
•By using the control you can stack controls on top of each other vertically or display them horizontally.
•The StackPanel will place its children in either a column (default) or row.
•This is controlled by the Orientation property. A vertical StackPanel can have its width and height specified;
•By using the StackPanel you can arrange controls on an interface without defining absolute positions for each control.
•if the height is not specified it will take up as much space vertically as is required to fit all of its children.
•An unconstrained horizontal StackPanel will be as wide as necessary to hold all of its children, and as tall as the tallest child. :

Environment setup for Silverlight 2

•Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later
•800MHz PowerPC G4 processor, 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo processor, or higher
•Apple Safari, Firefox 1.5, or Firefox 2.0
•Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP

Software needed to work with Silverlight application

•Set up an IDE
•An Editor to create an XAML and managed code
•Moreover, SDK
A designer needs to install some designer tools and a development environment which work with XAML.
How to Set Development Environment

To go with the following I advice you to go first with following link :
Following are the steps direct how to Set up the Environment
•Install Visual Studio 2008 with Visual Web Developer Feature
•Install Silverlight Plug-in: download Silverlight Plug-in from and Install Silverlight2, make sure you have uninstalled all previous versions of silverlight

How to Install Silverlight SDK

Goto :

•Installation of Silverlight SDK depends upon your environment like if you have Visual Studio 2008 installed or not on your computer.

different Types of Silverlight Styling

•Inline Styles
•Style Element
•Applying Styles
•Overriding Styles
•Expanded Setters
•Missing WPF Features

Silverlight Deployment Guide

• The guide describes the system requirements and deployment methods
•And the techniques to maintain and support Silverlight after deployment.

•To install Silverlight successfully, you must carefully plan your deployment processes and strategies
diff deployment policies

•Microsoft Systems Management Server
•Group Policy
•Manual Options

Page.xaml Vs App.xaml

•Page.xaml and Page.xaml.cs – Contains the UI and the C# code to run the Silverlight
•App.xaml and App.xaml.cs – The App.xaml is required to configure your Silverlight application. You can also declare resources that will be available in all pages of your application.
App.xaml is a file used by Silverlight applications to declare shared resources like brushes, various style objects etc.
• The code behind file of app.xaml is used to handle global application level events like Application_Startup, Application_Exit and Application_UnhandledException. (Similar to Global.asax file for ASP.NET applications)
When you create a Silverlight project using Visual Studio 2008, it creates a default xaml file called "Page.xaml".
•This is just a dummy start page created by Visual Studio and it does not contain any visible UI elements

wpf VS Silverlight

Ships as part of the .NET Framework (version 3.0 and onward)
Runs as Windows application or as web "browser application" (called XBAP, for "XAML Browser Application"). Note that XBAPs run only in Internet Explorer with .NET 3.0 and in both Internet Explorer and Firefox with .NET 3.5.
Runs on Windows machines only (Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008)
Richest functionality, including 3D graphics
Ships independently
Runs in web browsers only (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari)
Runs on Windows or Mac operating systems (also on Linux via Moonlight, which is an open source implementation of Silverlight based on Mono)
Functionality is a subset of WPF's feature set
WPF is a more mature technology and was designed with a richer feature set. It also has the advantage of being able to run in a browser or as an installed Windows-Form-type app.
Silverlight has a broader reach. You can access Silverlight from many operating systems and web browsers.
The most important reason to choose one over the other should be based on the intended audience for the application. For example, if a corporation is designing an application for internal use only and every employee has Windows XP as the company standard OS, then go with WPF to leverage the richer feature set. If a corporation is designing an external-facing website, then Silverlight is the better choice because potential customers can access

WPF advantages over Silverlight
v Full access to all the Windows API and the full .NET API
o E.g. TCP/Binary WCF support
v Powerful printing support
v Desktop or browser hosted with Customizable Sandbox
o XBAP works on IE and Firefox
v Offline support
v Easy integration with other UI technologies
o WPF controls can be hosted in Office, WPF app can call Office API
o WPF controls can be hosted in WinForm
o WPF apps can host WinForm and ActiveX controls
v Proven technology (3.0, 3.5, 3.5 SP1)
v Virtualization (data or visuals) for large data (from 3.5 sp1)
v Large third party controls selection
v Hardware accelerated, 3D

Silverlight advantages over WPF
 Small runtime install 4 MB, 1 min, no reboot
o Default auto updating (no admin rights needed in Vista for runtime updates)
o Can be easily deployed even on login script or GPO
 No app deployment
o App is cached in browser cache
 Cross Platform, Cross Browser
o Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, Mac OS
o Linux through partnership with Novell
 Easier to learn
o Due to the reduced API subset
 Can be integrated in current web pages and web based portals
o Is an island on the page
o Full access to the Browser DOM
o Fully scriptable from JavaScript
 Share code and components between Intra and Internet solutions
 In future it will run on Mobiles, CE


•A .xap file is basically a compiled Silverlight application
•The file is actually a .zip file that contains all the files necessary for the application
•XAP is the file extension for a Silverlight-based application package (.xap). This file contains the compressed assemblies and resources of a Silverlight 2 application.
What is a .xap file?
A .xap file is a Silverlight-based application package (.xap) that is generated when the Silverlight project is built.
• .XAP file contains the client DLL for the Silverlight application as extra DLLs of assemblies that you are using in your application.
•Just rename the .xap file to have a .zip extension and then you can open it up to see its contents.

Grid control

•Essentially a table used for positioning objects in rows and columns
•It can have multiple children, and acts rather like a spreadsheet.
•It acts much like HTML's table tag and allows data and controls to be arranged in a tabular-style view.
•A row is the same height and a column is the same width across the entire Grid,
•But elements can be made to span multiple cells
•.Cells can contain more than one item.
•The placement of an element in the Grid is specified using attached DependencyProperties
• Grid.Row,
• Grid.Column,
• Grid.ColumnSpan.

What is layout controls

•Layout controls are Silverlight controls which act as containers of other controls.
• Layout controls that arrange items horizontally or vertically and also contain other layout groups with different orientation.

•Their main purpose is the positioning and arranging of their child controls
• This architecture allows you to build complex and flexible Layouts using simple elements
•Arranging controls on a user interface in a flexible manner is key to building successful applications.

Layout Manager Controls


Dependencies Properties

•Silverlight provides a set of services that can be used to extend the functionality of a CLR property.
• A property that is backed by the Silverlight property system is known as a dependency property
•Simply put, a Dependency Property is like any other property but can hold a default value, with built in mechanism.
Dependency Properties Features

•Root class must be inherited from UIElement or DependencyObject
(E.g.., Controls, User Controls, Windows (WPF), or any class derived from UIElement (Button, List, Slider etc.))
•Dependency Properties have to be registered using DependencyProperty.Register method.
•Since DependencyProperty.Register is a static (C#) method, all dependency properties should also be static/ fields,
•also the property changed callback methods should be static/methods.
•Any property must be a dependency property if the property is being binded to.
•By convention, all Dependency Property fields should include the word “Property” at the end of the property name (
e.g., for property Value, the Dependency Property name should be ValueProperty

Creating Rich, Dynamic User Interfaces with Silverlight 2

•User control, motivations
•Same concept as in WPF
•No more need for "InitializeFromXaml()", KeyDown Event can now be handled on any component level, not just the application level like before

•Data binding is very simple in Silverlight
• flow layout is probably even sweeter than databinding.
•Accessibility of controls
–Keyboard tab, focus, directional navigation
–Screen reader support based on UIAutomation (check Mark Rideout's videos)

•Custom Control, motivations
–For default L&F
•add generic.xaml file
•set BuildAction to Resource
•remove CustomTool build action
•add ResourceDictionary with default L&F for the Custom control.

Canvas control

•Canvas, the most basic layout container
•It was present in Silverlight 1.0
•It lets its children be as big as they want to be, and positions them according to the Canvas properties
•Canvas defines a area within which you can place other controls by specifying the x and y coordinate position
•It is possible to overlap multiple controls within a canvas

Canvas Properties

•Canvas exposes several properties such as
•Height, Width,
•HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment,
•RenderTransform and Visibility

Border control

•Enables you to add borders to other controls
•It is a control that enables you to draw boxes in your Silverlight application,
•allows you to add other Silverlight controls directly into border

•This is a much more convenient way to wrap elements in a box than trying to manually position everything in a rectangle on your page
CornerRadius property
•This property makes it very easy to round the corners of your Border box

Friday, April 3, 2009